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Changing the world with SIDO

This is a story about a fifteen year old nameless boy that had just started high school. Having begun going to high school, his whole life changed, the way he thought, his interests, hobbies, etc. He began learning about global conflicts, globalization, wars, none of which concerned him, so he spent most of those classes sleeping.

Every day after school, he messaged his new classmates. They talked about their first impressions of their new school, and got to know each other better. One of his classmates sent him a link, which he clicked on out of pure curiosity. It was a song by a German rapper named SIDO. The music video showed scenes of what he had learned in school, but he couldn’t understand the lyrics.

However, he soon forgot about the song, because he had gone to visit his grandparents. Having arrived at the village, he couldn’t find his cousin whom he always looked forward to seeing so he decided to take a walk in the woods instead. Before he left the house, he received a message from his classmate, the one who had sent him the link. It was the translation of the song. That’s when his thoughts began to wander.

“I’m leaving; nothing keeps me tethered to the ground. I haven’t flown for so long, like an astronaut.” Walking towards the woods, anaesthetized by the fresh forest air, scenes and from the music video playing in his head, thinking about the lyrics, his thoughts wandered further. The song enchanted him. Images of those who’s rights have been taken from them, images of man destroying everything -- nature, the lives of others. He saw images of desperate refugees, of people shoveling mud out of their homes with their bare hands, of rivers overflowing with waste…

That’s when he became interested in learning about global issues, and he decided to be one of the 100 people that would try to make a change.


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