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Your vote is your voice!

We are all humans. We all live in some country giving us a voice every single time there is a decision to be made. Yet, there have been so many protests recently organised by people unsatisfied by the choice of the new president of the Republic of Serbia.

Why? Why is it happening now, when each and every one of us (well, legally eligible) has been given a choice to vote, to raise their voice and help decide who it is going to be? Out of so many people only 50% voted. Only 50 percent. What about the other 50%? Well, I guess they decided to stay at home because “their vote doesn’t matter,” because “they didn’t feel like it,” because “we already know who’s going to win the election,” and so on…

Why do we give ourselves so little importance? Because we are scared of a well-planned campaign? And after that comes unsatisfaction and numerous protests.

And what about Serbs living somewhere else? Personally, I do not think their vote matters. No hard feelings, but you are voting for a leader that would not have any jurisdiction what so ever. We are giving more attention to people who will never experience the consequences of the choice they helped make. They would not go organise a protest out on the streets, or show any major dissatisfaction.


But, back to the topic:

Your vote is your voice.

If you don’t vote, you let someone else decide instead of you. I encourage you to vote, to raise your voice and, even though the outcome might not be to your liking, you will know that you did what could’ve been done. You won’t go to sleep thinking: “what if I voted and it hadn’t ended like this.”

I believe there should be some money put on the side, meant for educating the youth about politics, elections and why voting is so important.

If the country organised and left funds for such education, there would be more people voting every year, and less pointless protests.


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