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All Good In This World Is The Product Of Man's Originality

“I think, therefore I am,” said Rene Descartes, a famous French philosopher, but throughout the eras of human existence, humans have been fooled in some segment of their lives.

Let’s remember ancient scholars who contributed to the world and its existence, but who also often ended up burning at the stake, only because their notions did not sit well with the ruling class. They knew many secrets and tried to enlighten the ignorant commoners, but the successful execution of that attempt was not a frequent occurrence.

In today’s world there are many controversial books and films that speak of genesis, humanity, but also theories of treason offered to the world. The public decides whether or not they will believe these theories. These opuses call much attention and publicity to themselves, causing “for and against” groups to form which generate propaganda, but is that really the message the author is trying to send? I don’t think so. Of course, depending on the audience’s taste, some pieces are deemed outstanding and some are not, but sometimes the pieces with very important messages sink under the pressure and publicity of less important works and the authors are unable to send a clear message. Those who truly seek it will indeed find it, no matter how hidden it is and the media is a strong weapon one must know how to use in the process.

Individuals choose their paths in life and make their own choices, but sometimes desires are stronger than us and we simply cannot control them, despite wanting to. A similar thing happens to the information we receive. We confront a lot of information in our day-to-day lives of which the goal is to form or change our opinions. We see this in the political world and even in educational institutions. There will always be that one lecturer whose opinion we must all share. I believe that forming, but also defending our opinions is a “must have” today, especially when we see how many wonderful, talented and successful young people are bound by the judgment of society simply because they do not share the opinion of the vast majority. Many famous scholars and philosophers hadn’t been celebrated during their lifetimes, but only after the fact, the consequence of which is that we took advantage of their knowledge much later than we could have.

Life on this mountainous terrain, geographically called the Balkans, is thorny and cold, much like its terrain, which has with time affected its inhabitants, which have become colder, more narrow-minded and cautious. Because we live in this mountainous terrain marked by blood, but also celebrated events and individuals, we mustn’t let our opinions be formed by others or be fettered in our own thoughts and philosophies that dwell in all of us, whether we’re aware of it or not. If we want to resist the barriers that have been placed between us, we must furiously fight with paper and pen, because that is the purpose of this platform, isn’t it? In the end, we all need air in our lungs – does this not make us similar enough, so that we can overcome the prejudice, and respect each other enough to give ourselves the chance to explain?


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